Keystone Healthcare is a leading provider of physician staffing and management services for hospitals.
We efficiently deliver high-quality, patient-centered care through strong physician leadership and involved management. Our services include:
Emergency Medicine | Hospital Medicine
Telehealth Services | Critical Care Medicine
Revenue Cycle Management
Hospital Services
Integrating emergency medicine and hospital medicine is the key to better results.We designed our business around this integration to successfully bridge gaps in recruiting, orientation, scheduling, revenue cycle management, compliance, evidence-based practices, patient flow, and more. Emergency Medicine | Hospital Medicine | Keystone Telehealth™
Physician & APP Recruitment | KPIs & Dashboarding | Patient Flow Analysis & Facilitation
Case Management Expertise & Support | Nurse Liaison Support | Compliance & Risk Management | Coding & Auditing | EMS/Pre-Hospital Care | Leadership New Partnership Startup Summit | Captive Medical Billing Company Hospital Services
Physician Services
Integrating emergency medicine and hospital medicine is the key to better results.Recruiting, developing, and retaining exceptional providers is exactly what we do. With dedicated recruitment and onboarding teams and comprehensive training and performance management, we not only attract high-quality clinicians but maintain a 99% physician retention rate. Onboarding & Orientation | Flexible Scheduling | Screening & Billing Enrollment Documentation Education | Medical Liability Insurance | Litigation Support | Clinical Leadership Team Support System | Keystone Leadership Academy Physician Services
Patient Services
Integrating emergency medicine and hospital medicine is the key to better results.Delivering high-quality, patient-centered care is the driving force behind every decision we make. We manage clinical quality, performance metrics, and the patient experience, plus provide complete complaint resolution solutions that result in satisfaction and delight. Patient Satisfaction & Experience | Patient Advocacy | Patient Complaint Resolution HonorCare® | Discharge & Post-Acute Care Management | Superior Clinical Outcomes Community Outreach Support Patient Services