Hospital Medicine,
the Keystone Healthcare™ Way

Dr. Hatem Mourad, MD, SFHM
Chief Medical Officer and
Vice President of Business Development
Hospital Medicine requires a breadth of capabilities both in caring for acutely ill patients admitted to the floor and coordinating patient care and operational processes within the hospital setting and beyond. Dexterous versatility is probably the best combination of words when trying to describe the role that our hospitalists play, but the idea of a quarterback provides a better visual. Because the purview of inpatient medicine is so significant, so too are the standards that we set for our hospitalist leaders, including transfers reduction, improved documentation, LOS management, improved patient experience, and the use of innovation and technology, and post-discharge care coordination.”
Dr. Mourad

Our Hospital Medicine Philosophy
Hospital administrators and clinical leaders alike understand that hospital medicine is a critical connection point that really drives patient outcomes, underscores the patient experience, and impacts some of the most critical hospital metrics like admission and readmissions, transfers, length of stay, and documentation accuracy.
At Keystone Healthcare™, we take pride in managing the non-negotiable performance metrics while instilling an expectation of intangible skills like leadership and innovative thinking to challenge the status quo and perpetuate an expectation of continuous improvement. We work closely with every partner to establish performance expectations for critical hospital metrics like Length of Stay (LOS), Case Mix Index, Readmission Rates, Core Measure Compliance, and Patient Satisfaction Scores. We understand the importance of the throughput process and how it affects multiple other hospital metrics; therefore, we focus on early physician rounding and discharge time of day to ensure improved throughput.
Our patient-centered approach drives continuous innovation through telehealth and artificial intelligence technologies. Virtual inpatient rounding, virtual specialty consults, tele-ICU, and virtual case management/utilization review are all areas where we have the ability to apply new technologies to address longstanding patient care challenges. In combination with our talented and highly engaged teams, we are transforming clinical outcomes and patient experiences one encounter at a time.

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better results?
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See how Keystone Healthcare™ produced a 30% improvement in the percentage of patients discharged by noon at Anderson Regional Medical Center.